I need help with my research and/or finding sources. What should I do?


The library help desk is available to provide in-person support to those in the library.


For research consultation: You can meet a librarian in-person, or if you prefer, you may request a one-to-one online research consultation with a librarian, please feel free to contact librarians@aucegypt.edu

In order to better help you, please mention your degree level (undergraduate or graduate), your subject, your assignment, and/or research question(s). 

You can also use the 24/7 Research “Live Chat” chat service on the library homepage for support from librarians.

For access to online books, articles, and resources, please refer to this Online Resources page and also, check out our subject guides available here. 



  • Last Updated Jul 10, 2023
  • Views 1067
  • Answered By Abdelrahman Barakat

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